Friday, June 30, 2006

April and May and June, Oh My!

I lived in San Diego from ‘88 through ‘02 — enduring 15 years of what San Diegans call, “June Gloom.”   You know, that depressing month when the sun shines for only 75% of each day’s daylight hours…  Sheesh, I never was so spoiled.

SF saw lots of sun and backyard beer drinking for me in June, so no gloom or any such complaints.  I pretty much forget what was going on in April and May, but here are a few things I recollect…

Launched JotSpot’s Services and Solution Partner Program.  JotSpot is an application wiki, which means it’s a wiki platform meant to be easily extended, customized, and tweaked.  Jot customers are increasingly interested in taking advantage of this capability, but some would rather hire than doing it themselves.  From this demand and 12 months of under the radar engagements, the professional services and solution partner programs were born.

Saw Sigur Ros. One of my all time favorite bands, Sigur Ros, played in Marin (why Marin?).  Another lovely and inspiring show.

Went Camping in Big Basin.  We spent a weekend amongst the redwoods with the other sf2020kids group families.  Gotta love camping with a small army of kids 3 and under.

Mashpit II. Spent an afternoon at Mashpit II, brainstorming and working on a mockup of Walkapedia, a proposed community site for “user-contributed walking tours.”.  My favorite idea from that day was actually the Lovendar project, which is a calendar specifically designed for helping families jive together.

Got acquired by Yahoo.  Well, that was the rumor anyway.

EbayWiki-thumbJotSpot powers eBay’s wikiIt’s very gratifying to see your product chosen to help eBay help their 193 million strong community say more on the web.  Congrats to Scott Johnston and team for a job well done bringing the eBay wiki to life.

BlogHer Collaboration SIG night. Attendees of June’s Collaboration SIG were treated to a great night of learning, open discussion and debate with BlogHer co-founders Elisa, Jory, and Lisa.  These three are doing something wonderful with BlogHer, and I thank them for sharing their stories about building a business around a grassroots community of women bloggers.  Eugene sums up the evening nicely, and the podcast is here.

Officiated a Wedding.  My awesome friends Bart and Claudine had a beautiful wedding day in Big Sur.  I was honored to be the officiant.

Planted a tree w/FUF.  Who doesn’t love trees?  We joined our neighbors and other Friends of the Urban Forest in the mission to bring more greenery to San Francisco.  We planted a tree in front of our house and 4 others, contributing to a single day of 79 new street trees.  FUF rocks!

JotspotGroupThumbWatched Anaconda.  These people watched this movie at Jot’s movie night #2.  I now see why people say Anaconda was one of the most underrated movies of 1997 — the pairing of a 50 foot snake with an aging Midnight Cowboy was a real winner

Welcomed New Competitors.  Competition notched up a bit as WetPaint launched their wiki service and DabbleDB launched their db-apps-on-the-web service.  Both look like very nice products — JotSpot welcomes new competition and the visibility and innovation they bring.

Updated JotSpot Spreadsheet.  Tracker, Jot’s collaborative spreadsheet app, saw version 2 ship with some killer new features, including improved forumla support and a slicker UI.  Lots of spreadsheet on the web and spreadsheet-as-platform conversation lately.

Yep, time flies when you’re having fun.  Speaking of San Diego, i’m looking forward to some R&R next week down south for our annual 4th of July family festivities.

1 comment:

Ben Tremblay said...

Hey there -
First time I try to use LinkedIn (I finally got over my aversion to it and signed up last week) and it tells me I cannot view your profile because we aren't connected. Ok, fair enough ... but then what's the point?! huh huh
Umm ... I signed in with TypeKey but I forget what URL I supplied ... prolly my primary blog. I hope to do a writeup of things Jot-ish in my journal: